During this time of the year, accountants all over the state are giving back to their communities as part of the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants CPA Day of Service and what better way to serve the community than by appreciating those who are with our children five days a week! On October 1st, six employees from Martin Starnes & Associates, CPAs, P.A. (MSA) continued the firm’s 100 Days of Service initiative by going to W.A. Young Elementary School in Burke County, providing and serving lunch to the kindergarten and 1st grade teachers. While the teachers enjoyed their lunch period children free, the MSA staff provided duty-free lunch by assisting the students with opening milk cartons, providing napkins, washing tables, helping with condiments, and even having conversations with the students. Claire Chase, MSA staff member, commented, “It was a really fun opportunity to get to interact with the children; they all wanted to know our names and if we could sit by them while they were eating. The funniest thing was when I asked a few of them if they needed help opening their milk carton, they showed me that they could do it and they were so proud of themselves!”
MSA employees also donated cans to the canned food drive at the school. “We just want to thank you guys for doing all this,” said Principal Jandrew, “It means so much to our teachers.” W.A. Young Elementary School asks for parental volunteers once a month to help with duty-free lunch. For this month, we gave them an extra day to enjoy by showing up on a different day from the original date scheduled. Thank you to all teachers across the world for everything you do for our children and future!