Martin Starnes & Associates, CPAs, P.A. (MSA) recently received the honor of being named as one of the 2021 Best Accounting Firms to Work For, ranking #2 among mid-sized firms across the nation employing between 50 and 249 employees. Accounting Today has partnered with Best Companies Group to identify companies that have excelled in creating quality workplaces for employees.
A few attributes that make us stand out from the crowd are:
- The firm hosted an appreciation feast outdoors where employees enjoyed barbeque with all the fixings and homemade desserts. As the luncheon came to a close, employees enjoyed smashing a Covid-designed piñata.
- MSA sponsored a professional coach for employees where techniques were learned for eliminating stress. Employees also were taught breathing techniques that navy seals use as coping mechanisms..
- At Christmas, the firm held a virtual event, and the Partners dressed up like elves and delivered stockings filled with gift cards, fruits, and other small gifts to each employee. In addition, MSA sponsored games, riddles, trivia and gave away ornaments as prizes..
- As part of the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants’ Day of Service, employees donated over 365 items to the Catawba County Social Services’ Foster Care program. Everything from diapers to suitcases were delivered just in time for the Christmas holiday. MSA employees look forward to and enjoy making community service a priority.
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Source: Accounting Today