Martin Starnes & Associates, CPAs, P.A. (MSA) has been recognized for its wellness standards in the workplace and recently received LiveWell at Work’s Gold Worksite designation. LiveWell at Work recognizes Catawba County businesses that are committed to worksite wellness practices to improve employee health and wellness. Companies meeting evidence-based worksite wellness standards in the areas of tobacco control, physical activity, nutrition, policy & organizational support, prevention, and screening & detection are invited to apply for gold, silver, or bronze LiveWell recognition.
In addition to the LiveWell at Work award, MSA was given the Bloom Award, which is given to only one business in the county who excels at making wellness part of their workforce. “What an honor to receive such a prestigious award. I’m proud of our employees and our internal wellness programs. Supporting employees through our health and wellness initiatives continues to be a priority at MSA,” said Victoria Martin, Managing Partner.
Not only does MSA sponsor internal employee wellness programs, it also supports community efforts through LiveWell Catawba organizations. Mia Snipes, MSA’s Office & Human Resources Manager, is an active participant in the LiveWell at Work coalition. She is part of the work group that provides guidance and leadership for the program. In addition, Mia serves on the Healthy Foods and Healthy Weight committee, which is working to improve health and remove food deserts in the county. Food deserts are areas where residents have limited access to healthy, garden-fresh, affordable food.
MSA’s greatest achievement surrounding wellness this year was a mental health session with Deborah Shannon Coaching. Employees learned about internal and external stress contributors, how to limit or prevent stress onset, how to destress using mini-relaxation techniques such as mini- breath focus, mini-counting, mini-body scans, mini-massages, and mini-guided imagery. The most memorable part of this event was learning the Navy Seals’ steps to stress inoculation.
To learn more information about LiveWell at Work, go to www.livewellcatawba.org.